Why are form-fitted revolver holster so popular, and why have the old leather ones gone so out of style? Find out more about speed hosters here.

5 Benefits of Speed Holsters

Holsters have come a long way over the years. While they used to be little more than a couple of pieces of leather stitched together, modern revolver holsters are custom-made from Kydex to fit your handgun perfectly. That means that we can provide you with a revolver holster that will be useful for years to come, whether you’re looking for a holster for your Smith & Wesson Model 625 or your Ruger Alaskan.

Let’s take a look at the reasons why Kydex revolver holsters have become so popular.

Secure the Gun

What is a holster for? To carry and secure your firearm. Today’s revolver speed holsters are so form-fitting that the revolver won’t fall out, even though they have no straps at the top of the holster to hold it in.

Secure to the Belt

Newer speed holsters are much better at staying where you put them compared to older holsters, and their tighter grab on the belt also means less bouncing on your leg.


With as much as guns cost, you want to keep yours as protected as possible. A good revolver holster protects as much of the finish of your handgun as possible while still providing you with easy access to the grip.


A speed holster is built to release the revolver as quickly as possible in order to give you an edge over your competition.

Easier to Grab

If you take a look at many old holsters, most of them were ill-fitted to the gun at hand. The holster was often too large for the particular gun, meaning that it slid down so far as to make the revolver’s grip hard to grab. With new, form-fitted revolver holsters, your revolver will sit where you want it to.

We have the best revolver holsters for Smith & Wesson, Ruger, Taurus, and Colt so that you can take advantage of the benefits mentioned above. Check out our full selection right here.

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