Kydex Revolver Holsters
If you have been using a leather holster and you want to try something different, Kydex might be the perfect choice for you! To learn more about this material and to find out why it is a great choice for a revolver holster, read on! When you’re ready, please check out our selection of Kydex revolver holsters made specifically for your revolver.
At Speed Beez, we’re proud to sell only the best speed loaders, moon clips, sights, and holsters for revolvers. When you need a great accessory for your revolver at a great price, think Speed Beez!
What is Kydex?
Kydex is a type of thermoplastic acrylic-polyvinyl chloride. A thermoplastic is any type of plastic that can be molded or formed into a shape after it has been heated to a certain temperature. Once the material has cooled, a thermoplastic again becomes solid. Thermoplastics are incredibly versatile materials that can replace other substances that are too heavy, brittle, or dangerous for use in many fields. Some thermoplastics are used to replace everything from glass to toys to bone cement.
Kydex was originally developed to be used on the inside of airplanes, but soon after its development, its utility in other areas was quickly recognized and exploited. Now many different items are made from Kydex, and there even different “versions” of the Kydex material. Most reputable Kydex revolver holster makers choose Kydex 100 because of its quality and strength.
Manufactured in sheets made from virgin materials rather than reground and recycled plastics, Kydex is heated and molded around a form to ensure that it is the perfect shape and fit. This method is far superior to injection molding because it helps the material stay at the right size and form during cooling, which means that your revolver will fit snugly inside of it.
Thermoforming is a more time-consuming and labor-heavy process, but the results speak for themselves. While injection molded parts come out “ready-to-go,” a thermoformed holster has to have the excess material removed and the molded pieces are polished before it can be considered finished. While this can increase the cost, the results are worth it. For a few extra dollars now, you can save yourself from having a damaged revolver.
Speed Beez Kydex Holsters
Carrying a revolver is not about denying the technological advances that have been made in firearm technology, it’s about carrying something that we’re more comfortable with. With the leaps that revolvers have made over the last few decades, including the proliferation of internal hammer revolvers, advances in sight technology, new alloys, and even polymer frames, it isn’t as if these guns are somehow stuck in the past. Instead, modern revolvers are just refinements of an already excellent and reliable technology.
Choosing a Kydex revolver holster is one way to enjoy the benefits of modern tech without having to carry something we don’t like. Trying to find a holster from one of the top Kydex holster makers? Shop with us here at Speed Beez. In addition to carrying holsters from the biggest names in the business, we teamed up with Comp-Tac Victory Gear to produce a line of revolver holsters that are effective, easy-to-use, and affordable! Using only the finest materials and an impeccable attention to detail, our outside waistband holsters are a great way to keep your revolver safe and accessible. We’ve used them out at the range and as a daily carry holster and they’re excellent!
Instead of providing you with a holster that can only be worn one way, we’ve designed our Kydex revolver holsters with several changeable mounts. For competitions, the belt mount is a wonderful option. The stability of the holster when mounted to the belt allows for smooth, fast draws, and an easy and reliable return. We’ve built our belt mount with the perfect level of curve to sit snugly against your hip. The belt mount also works with a one-and-a-half inch or two-inch belt. If you always wear a two-inch belt, all you need to do is remove the adjustment tab, and you’re good to go (once the adjustment tab has been removed, it cannot be reinserted, so make sure you’re comfortable only wearing this holster with a two-inch belt).
The included paddle mount is perfect for anyone who wants the flexibility to remove the holster without having to remove your belt. The paddle clips over the top of your belt and waistband and is a great option if you sometimes wear pants without a belt. The paddle is also small enough for you to change the position of the holster, from small of the back to hip, the paddle is comfortable pretty much anywhere.
In order to accommodate the greatest number of body types and sizes, Comp-Tac has developed the Drop-Offset piece. This special piece adjusts the holster to drop and set the revolver to a lower position. This is a perfect mount for anyone who has found that regular mounts don’t work because of their waist or hips.
The cant is adjustable thanks to eight mounting holes. The cant works for speed draws, FBI cant, or a rearward cross-draw cant. We’ve made changing the cant extremely simple, so try a few different styles out until you find the one that is perfect for you!
Our holsters are just another way for us to provide you with all of the revolver accessories that you need to make the most of your time out on the range or while hunting. From our innovative speed loader designs to our moon clips, magazine speed loads, and gun belts, we carry it all!
Benefits of Kydex
Kydex is an incredible material that has many benefits over other forms of plastic, and even over traditional leather revolver holsters. Below, you can read about a few of these advantages in more detail.
Kydex is highly resistant to having its shape changed after it has been formed and cooled
What this means for you is that you won’t have to worry about your kydex revolver holster losing its shape and its ability to securely hold your revolver in place even if you have been using it for years. Kydex’s shape-holding ability is one of the primary benefits of choosing it over a holster made from leather, which will loosen and change over time, no matter how well it is cared for.
Kydex is waterproof.
Water and warmth are not a leather holster’s best friend. A wet holster can take a long time to dry, and if you leave your revolver inside a wet holster, the surface of it can start to pit. If you remove your revolver from a wet holster, as it dries it could slightly change shape, making drawing and reholstering more difficult in the future. Heat isn’t much better. Long-term exposure to warm conditions can warp a leather holster, creating many of the same problems as water. Kydex, on the other hand, suffers from none of these same shortcomings. The plastic doesn’t absorb water at all, and is extremely heat-resistant.
Kydex has a lower amount of friction compared to leather.
While we think of leather (especially the leather used for revolver holsters) as being supple, the fact is that it still generates more friction against your revolver while it is inside of the holster and when it is being drawn than a Kydex holster. Even the highest-quality leather holster will eventually start to wear on the finish of your revolver. Thanks to the precision engineering of a thermoformed holster, Kydex is less likely to rub the finish off of your revolver than a cheap injection-molded holster.
There is no “break-in” period with a Kydex holster.
Even with the most expensive and expertly crafted leather holsters, it will take time to break it in so it fits your revolver the right way. Kydex holsters, on the other hand, are good to go as soon as you take it out of the package. Thanks to the exacting work done by the manufacturers, each Kydex revolver holster is already made to fit your exact model of revolver. Best of all, once you have your new Kydex holster, you don’t need to do anything special to maintain it. You can get it wet, it can handle being in hot conditions, if it gets dirty, just rinse it off. There is no need to oil it or treat it with waterproofing materials because it is already impervious to the elements!
Advice For Carrying a Concealed Revolver
If your state law permits concealed carrying, it is a good idea to take the time to familiarize yourself with the laws in order to ensure that you are compliant. It is also a great idea to make sure that when you carry your revolver as a concealed carry weapon that it is comfortable, safe, and easy for you to access your handgun when you need it most.
Below are a few tips that can help you find the best Kydex revolver for your concealed carry revolver. While these tips are about concealed carry, a lot of the thinking behind them applies to open carrying as well as carrying when you are at the range.
Check out our selection of competition and concealed carry holsters now for great deals on extremely well-built holsters that are functional, comfortable, and perfectly molded for your revolver.
Try Out Different Holsters
One of the most important things to consider when you want to carry a concealed revolver is finding the right holster for your needs. When you begin your search for the perfect holster, start by asking your friends and family members what they like.
Here are a few questions that will help point you in the right direction:
- When do you carry your revolver? Concealed? At the range? At competitions?
- You want to find a holster that matches your needs, so you can discount answers for applications that you won’t be using it for.
- What does the holster do well?
- Is it comfortable?
- Does it hold the revolver tight but not too tight?
- Can you get to it quickly?
- What could the holster do better?
- Are there any components that don’t work like they should?
- Does it rub on the revolver?
If someone you know has a holster that sounds like it may be a good fit, ask if you can try it out. You may find that it’s just right or that it simply doesn’t work.
Because this is a serious decision, you shouldn’t settle on something just because it is available right now. That being said, you may find that there is not a single holster that works for all of the times and situations in which you carry. Having several options is not a bad idea.
Get Used to Your Holster
After you have decided on a Kydex revolver holster, wear it as much as you are comfortable wearing it. This will be the biggest test of whether or not you have the right holster. What didn’t bother you at the range may be a constant annoyance when you are at work, or vice versa. It is important to give yourself time to acclimate to a concealed carry revolver, so don’t automatically dismiss every holster as a failure. Even the smallest, lightest revolvers add a significant amount of weight to an area of the body that is almost constantly in motion, so allow a few days to get used to it before you start to check off the smaller details.
Know When It Is Time For a New Holster
Even the strongest, highest-quality Kydex holsters will eventually need to be replaced. Maybe some of the components, including a belt clip or an adjuster, have started to become loose or brittle. Maybe the revolver is showing signs of new wear. Whatever the cause, don’t let your revolver become a liability: get rid of a faulty holster when it feels like you can’t trust your holster to do what it is supposed to do — securely hold your weapon. It is not worth risking an accident or further damage to your handgun when you can easily replace your holster.
Drawbacks of Using a Kydex Holster
While Kydex is a miraculous material, it isn’t perfect. In the section below, we’ll discuss the small number of drawbacks that may come along with a Kydex revolver holster. If you would prefer to go with a leather revolver holster, check out this page for more information.
If made with a bad form, a Kydex holster could scratch your revolver
While it is rare, poor-quality Kydex holsters are possible. If the company that made them didn’t start with a great form or they chose to use a lower quality of Kydex, the material could rub on your revolver instead of gripping it firmly. The friction caused by a poor fit could end up damaging your firearm’s finish.
Kydex revolver holsters are louder than leather
If you carry your revolver every day for personal protection or you wear it while hunting, you might prefer to use a holster made from leather because leather holsters allow for a much quieter draw. A quiet draw might make the difference between a successful hunt and a day where you get skunked and have to go home empty handed.
Some Kydex holsters can be less comfortable to wear than leather
Thanks to the extra-strong and rigid Kydex material, you don’t have to worry about your holster becoming misshapen over time. However, their rigidity can make wearing one less comfortable than a leather holster which will soften up and begin to fit against your body as it is broken in.
Many Kydex holster manufacturers have made great strides to overcome this problem by creating ITB and OTB holsters with specially designed paddles that fit the body in a more natural way. The Speed Beez brand is a perfect example of a Kydex holster that was built with your comfort in mind!
When you shop with Speed Beez for all of your revolver needs, you can rest easy knowing that you are purchasing the highest quality goods available. We don’t sell anything that we don’t believe in because we want you to spend your time at the range or out hunting as effectively as you can. With Speed Beez, you won’t have to worry about your Kydex revolver holster or your American-made speedloader. If you have any questions about anything that we make or sell, please get in touch with us. We would love to help you find the perfect speedloader, moon clips, holster, gun belt, or sight!