What We Won’t Be Selling You Here At Speed Beez

While we have a great selection of extras for your revolvers, we have to admit that we are pretty specialized. Sure, we have some magazine loaders and pouches in order to hold your clips, but almost everything we carry here revolves around revolvers. We have a wide variety of moon clips so that you can reload faster (or secure your rimless ammo), speedloaders so that you can make the most of your time at the shooting range, and Kydex revolver holsters that are form-fitted to fit your particular firearm.

But like we said, we’re pretty focused on making the absolute best revolver gear around, especially when it comes to our fast-loading accessories. Now that doesn’t mean that we’ll never expand, but for now, we’re focused on quality over quantity. Contact us if you need advice because we’re all about guns too and have done our share of shopping online. In the meantime, here are some gun accessories we’re going to leave to another company for the time being.


We’re big fans of safes around here. We like large ones that can hold your rifles, shotguns, handguns, and all your valuables. We like small ones that give quick access to firearms without having to head all the way to the basement and open up the big safe with four-inch walls. We also like locked cases for when you need to transport something in the trunk.

Of course, safes aren’t exactly something you toss in a Priority Mail box and stick a stamp on. With some gun safes weighing over a thousand pounds, it really requires a huge effort to get them to you from across the country. Not only that, but keeping stock of our compact speedloaders and thin 9mm moon clips is a lot easier than keeping huge safes sitting around. There are many companies large and small that are ready to get you a safe to keep your valuables…well, safe!

Accessories For Every Revolver Ever

We wish we could say that we have a speedloader for every revolver that’s ever been made. We wish we could say the same about revolver holsters and moon clips. But when you take a look at this list that contains literally hundreds of revolvers, it becomes obvious why it simply can’t logistically be done. First of all, most of the guns you’ll find behind that link haven’t been manufactured in decades, or even in over a century. While we do have some revolver holsters for out-of-production guns, our accessories usually fit those that are in being made today.

That’s not to say that something we have might not work. Cylinder sizes do change, but some moon clips can still fit an old gun. Likewise, Smith & Wesson has been using some of the same frames for decades, meaning that our K-Frame or J-Frame revolver holsters might just work pretty well. We know revolvers very well, so just let us know if you have any questions about fit.

Revolver Scopes

While we do carry some very nice revolver sights, scopes are a whole different matter. While there are dozens of scopes available for rifles of different calibers, there aren’t many that a specifically meant for handguns. Now don’t get us wrong, handgun hunting is a big deal and you’ll need some specialty equipment for it. We do carry speedloaders and revolver holsters for some of the most popular hunting handguns out there, including the Super Redhawk and the S&W Model 29.

You know what, of everything we’ve mentioned today, scopes would actually make the most sense for us to carry. But for now, we’re going to focus on selling the items we design and manufacture right here in the USA: our speedloaders.

The Guns Themselves

As you might imagine, we have quite a few guns ourselves. We love revolvers, and we love making them more fun for people to shoot. But selling guns legally across state lines can get tricky, and there are all sorts of problems that can arise. We’ll leave the online selling of guns to the big guys who can lawyer up as necessary.

Of course, there are thousands of other types of firearms accessories out there, but for now, we’re just going to focus on the few that we do best. We’re ready to help you have the best shooting experience out there.

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