Speed Beez Blog

Maximize Your Time at the Range With a Speed Loader

While owning and shooting a revolver can be incredibly fun and and rewarding, there are several factors that can make these excellent handguns a bit frustrating. The most common complaint that people have about revolvers is that they are slow compared to modern...

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Why A Revolver Might Be a Great First Gun

Why A Revolver Might Be a Great First Gun

If you are interested in learning how to shoot or a friend or family member wants to learn how to shoot and has turned to you for information, you may have your work cut out for you. With so many handguns on the market, it can be difficult to choose one and say that...

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What We Won’t Be Selling You Here At Speed Beez

While we have a great selection of extras for your revolvers, we have to admit that we are pretty specialized. Sure, we have some magazine loaders and pouches in order to hold your clips, but almost everything we carry here revolves around revolvers. We have a wide...

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Revisiting Cameras and Guns One Last Time

A couple of months back we ran a series of articles about how guns and cameras are surprisingly similar. In fact. We came up with 17 different ways in which they’re much the same, from the idea that you “shoot” them both to the fact that you always need the right tool...

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The Last 7 Ways That Shooting Gun and Cameras Are Similar

The Last 7 Ways That Shooting Gun and Cameras Are Similar

The last two blogs around here have been pretty fun. In the first in this blog series, we discussed how people like to argue over hardware performance when it comes to camera equipment and guns, how they’ve both taken major leaps forward technologically speaking, and...

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6 More Ways that Cameras and Guns Are Surprisingly Similar

6 More Ways that Cameras and Guns Are Surprisingly Similar

In our most recent blog we started this series on how guns and photographic equipment are similar, even if at first they wouldn’t seem to be. First of all, we often head out into nature in order to shoot the same thing, whether it’s an animal or a landscape. (And...

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4 Ways that Photography and Guns Are Surprisingly Similar

4 Ways that Photography and Guns Are Surprisingly Similar

In our last blog we were discussing the various aspects of hiking that will determine which revolver you take with you, as well as the specific revolvers that are right for those situations. And once you pick the right revolver, it’s not a bad idea to have a...

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The Best Revolvers To Use For Back-Country Hiking

The Best Revolvers To Use For Back-Country Hiking

In our previous post we discussed the questions you have to ask yourself about your hike before you determine which revolver is the best one to take. You need to ask how far you’ll be hiking, what you plan to do once you get there, and how much extra weight you really...

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What Determines Which Revolver You’ll Take Hiking?

What Determines Which Revolver You’ll Take Hiking?

While many of our customers are interested in taking our speedloaders to the firing range, it’s not very often that you’ll find someone whose only interest in revolvers is target practice. Sure, they love setting down their loading block and speedloader and spending...

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The Most Important Aspects of a Hunting Handgun

The Most Important Aspects of a Hunting Handgun

Over the previous five blogs, we’ve discussed handgun hunting and the speedloaders we provide for some of the most popular hunting handguns out there. But what makes a handgun a hunting handgun? Can you just type in “most powerful handguns on the planet” and pick the...

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Who Will Benefit Most From Our Speedloaders?

  The question of “who will benefit most from our speedloaders” comes up pretty often. Who is buying our speedloaders, and why? Here are some customers we see every day, whether they’re here for their .38 Special, .44, or 22. The Speed Freak: Whether you’re a...

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